Combine parts of a model

I am fairly new to Blender and I have just modeled a house, but the problem comes from the fact that I wanted to make a few more houses (a neighborhood) but I built the house in separate parts and labeled each part, just in case I decide to add other meshes to each house (furniture, indoor walls, etc.). With each part (roof, external walls, trim, door) being labeled it has made a massive list. So, is there a way to combine them into one list?

House one

I want to go:
house one
+external walls
+indoor walls

I just one to click on the house one (+) and have each part of the house show up in the drop down and yet still alow me to apply textures to each part?

You could parent them all to a base.

Edit: Aaaand I was too late. That’s what happens when you walk away from your desk in the middle of posting. :smiley:

There are a couple ways you could go about it. You could put the different houses on separate layers. Select each piece that makes up one house, click m and chose a layer. Then on the Outliner, click the dropdown and chose Visible Layers. Now the Outliner will only show a list for the current active layer.

You can also parent the parts.There are different ways you can go about this, but I would create an empty for each house, naming them house.001, house.002, etc, and positioning them somewhere near the respective house. Then select all the parts for house 1, Select the house.001 emtpy, and click ctrl+p > Object. Now in the Outliner, you will only see house.001, house.002, etc. If you click the little + next to one, you will see all the meshes associated with that empty. As an added bonus, you can move just the empty to reposition the entire house.

Ctrl + J joins the objects, use materials for different parts. Good luck.

:cool: Thanks, everybody I had a feeling that I needed to do it that way but I wasn’t 100% sure so I got nervous because I didn’t want to have to scrap the whole house because I had a “feeling” lol