Combine XYZ no more working for images?

I used this node to combine cryptomatte produced masks into rgb exr to export them into Substance Designer with fewer files .
Now I have to replace all those nodes to combine color. And my old setups with combineXYZ don’t work. Why is this? Isn’t it was a convenience ?

I’m not aware of any wanted changes in 4.2 (if that’s what you are talking about ) according to Combine XYZ node… and also have not found somethign on devtalk…
maybe it’s a bug?
You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

I am not sure what else to elaborate. I could combine grayscale masks using combine XYZ before. Now it returns just empty image so lots of my old compositing presets don’t work with 4.2 wile worked with 4.1.
I found simple workaround by using combine colors but not sure if it apply some extra color transforms or not . it’s why I used combine xyz initially. If not it’s ok, no big problem .

it’s just one of the beauties of Blender had always been that you haven’t have to care about what sort of data you input in the nodes. They worked nevertheless.
It’s why I love Blender. Always less puzzles than in Autodesk soft. Everything magically works even if you have no idea what you are doing. But my guess someone decided combine XYZ should work only with vector data or something for sake of code elegance.

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Oh… i simply meant the specific version… ( and the “elaborate” sentence is on my shortcut list :sweat_smile: ).

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