Combining meshes with gaps

I am trying to make this model 3d printable. so the whole object needs to be one mesh with no gaps. I am having a hard time filling in the panel gaps. Is there any way to do this easier? thanks

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If you have a lot of RAM and a decent CPU, a Remesh modifier would be a good option. You can also check the 3D Print Toolbox addon (comes packaged with Blender), it has a Make Manifold tool

I tried the remesh before i asked the question. and it was giving me really strange meshes. Perhaps because of the different meshes not being combined? Im not sure. But i will check out the 3d print toolbox. Thanks!

When i try the Make manifold tool. it only does this.
Any sugjestions??

Can you show the original wireframe or post the .blend file ?

here is the .blend file

Insight 3D model .blend (3.3 MB)

All tiangulated… of course :cold_sweat:
You may try to merge points and add some loops, but that will be a pain.

In edit mode, you can try to select all the polygons and use the Shrink/Flatten tool (alt+S) to close the gaps.
Then, as suggested by @joseph, use a Remesh modifier.

*Here is my try. No idea if it’s printable, but that model is really not made for that…

car-02.blend (4.7 MB)

That might actualy work! thank you. i will have to try out what you were saying.
Thanks for the help