With a small adjusten i made the tile render script working in blender :
It creates in my case a lot of output files, which this morning i all joined to on image use a image editing program.
However… i’m thinking of enlarging the script so that we can see the final merged image into blender automatically.
Because as shown partly below, post processing can do this.
Here we see (only) 3 images added to the final image.
Might be nice with a for each loop or so to add them all to a final resolution image.
Most seams simple from her, but is there is some read,
- about : adding those nodes and connecting them, by script
Or maybe someone could post me a small sample on how to do that ?
I just need something to get started here; the first script link can divide a large task based on divider input in the script
Nicer would be this would endup as an Addon, in which on could type dividers, and name for output files.
I have no experience with creating addon, (special would be that i would need that it needs to verify that the devider rounds to a whole number devision as is required for the whole process).
Well if i get it working like that, … maybe later i could add something too for distributed rendering over multiple PC’s.
BTW my goal here is a free add on, to do something back for all the blender users and creators.
If you like to help me with this in mind, then dont feel restricted