Comet from the sky, 4k, 360°(3D), 50fps Video test #1

Use ‘W’A’S’D’ or drag mouse to rotate the view on youtube.

This is my first time using equirectangular camera setting in cycles. I set up a simple scene with a bunch of blocks and threw high mass rock onto it. You can see the result in 360°, thanks to a python script that injects metadata for 360° videos on youtube.

What’s next? I will build an environment: trees and some buildings. I want to avoid using flames and smoke to save on rendering time. I would love to build some realistic looking buildings with windows, doors, construction elements(as joists), with bullet constraints and fracture physics, but I don’t have enough computing power yet (just i5 and 4gigs of ram). But I will try my best to do something cool. :smiley:

Use ‘W’A’S’D’ or drag mouse to rotate the view:

View from equirectangular camera looks like this:

That´s cool. I had no idea you could do that on youtube.