Can I get information from and send data to a Com port via Python script from Blender?
The simple answer is yes. The hard question is how. I would think your best bet is to find another python script (Blender or Otherwise) where someone is doing it, then just copy that. Remember that Blender can use just about any python module. Hope this helps. asdf_46
Yeah it does, thanks.
I have a list of questions about python in my head, and one is about using non-Blender modules.
I was hoping that this was possible but I have no idea as to how to utilize it.
Could anyone point me to an example, tut or run down for me briefly the using of external modules?
Is my understanding correct that I could compile my python spripts into modules?
I may be thinking too simply, but don’t you do that (access modules) every time you have an import statement.
For one of my scripts I have:
import Blender
import string
import os
import sys
import math
from shutil import copy
(I should go through and just import the ones I need!)
most of these modules are in the python folders.
To use the items , just call them. Some examples below:
if os.path.exists(“C:\VRML”):
timagename = string.split(subtexture, “.”)
FOV = round(R2D * 2 * math.atan(20/eachcam.Lens),3)
edit A list of the available modules are here:
Cheers Stephen
For anyone who finds this page BWO a search for an answer to the same question:
I found an executable at this address that installed in my C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages directory.
I am a little out of my depth here but I will update this if I am able to actually do anything with it.