Commands for HotKeys

Where can I find a list of commands to input for HotKeys or ShortCut Key?

I don’t 100% understand your question, but I think that either your looking for a list of shortcuts to use in Blender, or a place where you can change the command or operation that is performed when a shortcut is pressed.

For the first question, you have this: - a little old, but should work for most of what you need. Additionally, there is a search feature (it used to be the space bar) that can use if you know the name of the operation you want to use instead of memorizing the shortcut. I personally like memorizing the shortcut, but to each his own.

For the second question, you’d use the keymap editor in the Input preferences in the User Settings panel. Here’s a link to the manual for that:

Thanks, where can I find the list of commands or coded words, so I can customized the shortcut keys? For example “view3d.manipulator”, it there a list for that?

Is there a way to find a command for each tool like for a tool to merge vertices? I like to customize my own hotkeys.