First, after a little research, i feel that this NetVentures Company need to know how WE the users of Blender feel on this matter. Be kind!
Email of CEO, Ruud Veltenaar: [email protected]
Furthermore, I would like to ask Ton’s opinion on others releasing the (now famous) Ice-Man hack he called ‘Blender Creator 2.25’? Considering now there is no company to “hurt” and no obvious future?
Fellow Blenderheads, I will contact this company myself, and am willing to try and represent to community to them as best I can, if you would like. I feel that the community (minus ex-NaNers) needs to express our concerns directly to those with the power to do something (rather than to Ton as we have been led to belive).
If there is no response from this company, I am also willing to host a Boycott site, listing their products, and the sites, as well as alternatives.
Not only have they screwed many hard working individuals, Ton, Jeori, Bart, Zycho, Erwin, Frank and the rest, whom I personally, have grown to respect and admire, But they have screwed their users as well. This is intolerable from any company.
Imagine if Microsoft just up and dropped Word, or Symantec aborted production of their Norton product line? Would any of us stand for that (shut up Linux Zealots :)? This is the same. And simply intolerable.
Blender FTP Mirror (and Unofficial add-ons, scripts, etc)