Commodore 64 forever!

I just wanted to simply state that THE COMMODORE 64 WILL LIVE ON FOREVER. Thankie. :smiley:

Really? Kinda like that annoying neighbor of yours that just lives forever, never dies? :wink:

Yesssss! C=64 RULEZ!

Allthough my first encounter with the marvellous (and poisonousā€¦) world of computers, was with a ZX Spectrum and didnā€™t have the pleasure to get my hands to a C=64, wellā€¦

C=64, was cool tooā€¦ :wink:

Have funā€¦


donā€™t forget the Vic-20ā€¦ :smiley:



long live the C=64

more than 1 million compys. No pc (or other comp) ever reached that.

I still own a full system. But lately I rather use ccs64, a brilliant piece of code.

Assembler on the c=64 is sooooooo nice.

Dude I had one of those back in 1981!
They were a lot of bang for the buck for back then.
For $100 you got a programable computer that had expandable memory,
color RF output, sound, played games, and had support for optional periferals like floppy or tape drive (used reagular audio casset), printer,
even a modem (think ā€œWar Gamesā€).

100?ā€œARCHON 2 IS GOD!ā€

No, better:

10 PRINT "Fsck you!"
20 GOTO 10

10 sys 64738 : remove all the brain from the coder

I abhore my 64.

Now what about the Amiga 2000?

Amigas rule.
My Dad got an Amiga 3000 off of Ebay awhile ago. Those things are cool.

Dude I had one of those back in 1981!
They were a lot of bang for the buck for back then.
For $100 you got a programable computer that had expandable memory,
color RF output, sound, played games, and had support for optional periferals like floppy or tape drive (used reagular audio casset), printer,
even a modem (think ā€œWar Gamesā€).

ahhhhhhh the good ol dazeā€¦

when 1 meg ran was ā€œlike totally coolā€, and a 1200 baud modem rocked :smiley: :smiley:


At this point I would like to state a true computer, wich is AMSTRAD CPC 464, with green display. :stuck_out_tongue:

This was my first computer, I never had C64, but actually Iā€™ve corrected that error with emulatorsā€¦

10 POKE 53280,1
20 GOTO 10

And my ALL TIME FAVOURITE COMPUTER GAME: POGO JOE. Man I could play this for hours.

Hey, there are a bunch of guys doing video editing on amiga right now!

Vic-20, C-16, C-64. My wristwatch now has more processing power :).

Oh sure, but these Comodores were the first introduction to the world of computers for a lot of us. Mainly because they were so cheap. Ofcoarse there were better computers out there but they didnā€™t have huge stacks of 'm near supermarket entryways ;)!

My first was an Amiga 1000, then (same year) we got an 8088. The Amiga was just about ā€œmyā€ computer when we got it, the PC I eventually bought from dad for $60, and was my only PC until I was 16. Before that though, I also had a C64 for a while, and put the old Amiga in the shed when I picked up a used Amiga 500 (for those that donā€™t know Amigaā€™s, the 500 was newer and more powerful than the 1000, I think it had the lower number only because of the styleā€¦ built-in keyboard like a C64, with a 3.5" floppy in the side). I wish I knew where those computers ended up, but now Iā€™m using WinUAE, and I have an Amiga again on my PC. Still canā€™t get marble madness, Archon, or Archon 2 running on itā€¦ and canā€™t find Rogue anywhere. :frowning: ).


Still have my Vic 20 some where in the attic.
Moved from there to what was considered a business machine. HZ80 Made by Zenith it blazed along at 16mz and was expanded to 64k. Thatā€™s as far as it could go. There was no hard drive, had four floppys and every disc had to have to BIOS on it to boot up. Would have taken weeks to render a cube, but thatā€™s moot since there were no graphic capabilitites on it. But when I bought it I knew I would never need anything more. Seems like I say that every time I buy a new system. :wink:

I hear people say that all the time. I just grin, while inside Iā€™m thinking (ROFL) (Yes, I often think emotions in chat terms). The closest thing Iā€™ve ever said to that effect was, ā€œI may not need anything else for my PC for the next year!ā€ Of course, it is usually coupled with ā€œI canā€™t afford to get anything else for my PC for the next year!ā€
