"Common Materials" addon?

I’m looking for something like Matcap, but instead of setting how to shade Object in the 3d preview, set the Material of the Object to the chosen Material.
So I’m looking for a “Material Library” addon. I never understood why I had to create a material from scratch for common materials like metallic, plastic and glass instead of having a list I could choose from and tweak from there.

So I’m hoping there’s at least an addon which allows to do just this. Is there any?

The issue is not not knowing how to reuse materials across blend files, nor have I asked how to use custom matcaps. I just want to know if there are addons which have common materials so I and others don’t have to reinvent the wheel for ourselves.

You can always use gimp to shift the colors of a matcap if you want to change it’s color.

Or reproduce from ZBrush MatCap Library

… and finally: MatCap Generator by Ben Simonds

This forum is to help you not to supply for your needs. Because it’s so hard to take care for yourself :stuck_out_tongue:
As you probably know… aaaarrroooggg.

As far as I know Matcaps are just glsl materials meant to be placeholders and to help you “get an idea” for your mesh in the 3d view, they are not meant to be rendered. Has something changed or do I have the wrong info?