common objects library - python + xml possible?

for various reasons I’m trying to learn to work with xml files in python. So I got an idea: a repository of objects you’ve made on your computer in a custom xml format that could be added to any scene. The advantage is sharing objects in dif. blendfiles/scenes without all the hassle of appending.

so heres my idea (working on proof of concept right now):

scene xml:
lists objects, etc in the repos. w/ offset and rotation values

object xml:
lists components to an object; for instance, a mesh xml and a material xml

group xml:
lists others, could be used for lighting setups (i.e. insta-3pt etc…)

mesh xml:
<vert x= etc…>colors and stuff</vert>
<face verts=1,2,3>uvs n stuff?</face>

the idea is to have small lightweight xmls hanging around instead of a huge blendfile w/ scene data etc, for just a mesh. Only saving what you want to save.

do you think this has merit?
any suggestions while I’m still in the planning phase?


I guess you have already a solution. But to deal with XML documents, I work with minidom which is really easy to use. (from xml.dom import minidom).
Browing an XML file is really easy with instructions such as:

xmldoc = minidom.parseString(XMLcontent)
verts = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(“verts”)

Anyway, as I say in my Blan thread, I not sure the Blender file size is really a problem. As I do in my own Blan script, and as it is done in the “Blender Library” script too, you can build a simple scene with your item to share and to save only this scene.