Common sense, the guide to posting posts.
Hello there, if you are reading this then you’ve successfully managed to steer your web browser to, congratulations.
Now, as you may, or may not know, the ‘Internet’ is a great place, with freedom of speech and expression, among other things, now resides on this thing we call the ‘Internet’, which also means, for the most part that this website also has freedom of speech and expression, this means that, unless you viciously insult another user (A person), spout religious and/ or political views, and let’s not forget posting any ‘evil’ naughtiness (Boobs etcetera), then what you post should generally be acceptable.
Now, this concept, for most people is fairly straight forward, you be polite, you be courteous and you never insult anybody, even if that person has done something which you do not like, you be a grown up and you accept what that person has said, and then you let it go, now, at some point you may feel very strongly towards what that person has said, or what that person is trying to do, well this is what you should do;
Count to ten
(1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7, 8, 9, 10)
You first think about how you feel, how it will effect you, you then be a grown up and you construct a well written sentence, which doesn’t directly, or indirectly insult that person, or any person who may be related to the issue at hand, you calmly state your opinion, and why you have that opinion, then, you simply post your message, sit back and give yourself a pat on the back, you’ve just successfully participated in a sensible, and grown up debate.
Tune in next week when we’ll take this to the next level; Replying to a reply of your original post.