In the latest edition of 3D world mag they have a spot for the Tin woodman of OZ.
For those who are not familiar with this project its a community movie using HASH:Animation Master and is being developed by the AM community.
The movie has a wiki @
According to the article the project has been taken up by many 3d hobbyist (in which category I must list myself [FONT=Wingdings]J[/FONT]) and seems to be doing well.
The ultimate aim of the movie is to increase the skill sets of those participating.
Currently there are around 100 members on the project team (but they are hoping to increase that to 1000!).
The reason for this post is this sound like an exciting project and one where those experienced can help those less experienced (n00bs like me) improve in all areas but whereas a less skilled person could/would eventually reach a higher level in their art this gives us something to focus on.
Is this something members of the community would be interested in?
Kind regards,
I must say they have done a nice job thus far. I don’t think it will work here because there are not enough people willing to take the responsibility of supervising such a big undertaking, myself included. Would be good though. Maybe in the near future there maybe something workable, but for now, I can’t see it. But I suppose in a way the orange project was almost the same kind of thing wasn’t it! hummm give it a go.
Hi Enriqolonius,
Do you want/need any additional resources for your community based project? Could those of us interested get involved with your project?
For a community movie project to be successful here I think someone would have to come up with a major idea, and really get it started, or else no one will be interested. There have been too many false flag events
Anyone is welcome to join our project. Right now we are working on getting the cars on the road, animation walkcycles, and getting the basescene down in poly count and reflections to speed up render times. Alot we diddnt know when we started but we did learn alot. I will be doing a major update to the How to make a 3d movie wiki soon.
here’s an idea:
start a thread somewhere to brainstorm ideas, the community should pitch in… you might even make it a game (like lets play?).
then, you can generate an idea that THE COMMUNITY WOULD LIKE, and would be enthusiastic about. After that you can start more…
btw, be VERY careful when making this thread if you do… the wording in the title and first post will mean everything to this particular community.
Wow, nice to see the yes vote have exceeded the no votes…
As for the killer idea the community would like… anyone want to make some suggestions?
I was hoping that once the movie project got going we could involve the community alot more. In a previous issue of 3d World Mag there was a movie project(the name escaped me) where the production team posted regular updates to those interested, sorta like a production diary and then took the feedback from that community into the project.
Thereby ensuring that the community contributed even if it was only from a distance.
I say yes, but youd have to be careful on a few points.
1 Obviously everyone couldnt just be like ‘Yeah, I want to animate’ and then get to. Im not saying everybody would want to, but you have to work out(form the start) how many people would be needed for each part.
2 So many conflicting ideas could be a pain, so youd have to have a moderator of sorts for this brainstorming thread
3 Youd have to be carefula bout who you boruhgt in. You obviously dont want some overzealous 3 day blender user as your head animator. Youd have to have some way to…profile people who wanted to contribute in that way.
Just a few thoughts. I in no way think this project would fail, but there are barriers your certain to come to, and so I wish you good luck
Some nice comments there, maybe we should conduct yet another poll to decide on a genre for the project?
As there is no stroyline etc… would it be a good idea to brainstorm/mindshower once a genre has been voted on and then let everyone contribute to the story etc… and then take it to the next level.
As for profiling who should be involved and to what level, any ideas how we should go forward with this. If possible I would like to see everyone who wants to join in do something which suits there skill level but most importantly (well for me anyways) push their boundaries and take it to the next level.
Im not sure how you could work it out.My first thought would be to have a set number of serious groups for ,say, modeling. Youd have people give you a piece of there best art or something, and decide from there. I guarentee, if you want this to be succesful, somebodies feelings are going to get hurt when they cant do what they want.
For newer users who wanted to get in the action, you could have smaller projects, like putting together base models or something. Then theyd get the chance to be involved, albeit on a lower level. There are some amazing photoshop/gimp users around here, they could take on textures(if they wanted to of course) and general project art.
In Short:
It would be tough to get everyone to help, while still making steady progress.
I agree that there is a extremely good chance that people may have their feelings hurt if they cannot contribute in the way they would like to, however this is a project for the community and whatever we do must be in blenders and the communities best interests so I will appologies in advance to anyone who works on the project and gets upset, however I do beleive we can keep that to a minimum.
As for a script etc… maybe we could adopt a book from Project Gutenburg, they are free right? and if they are free @ least we will have a nice storyline to work from.
Any idas on how to proceed from this point on? anyone want to sign on?
Just been on the TWO project pages (im trying to get some guidance) and found that they have been nice enough to include the script, sound design … well pretty much everything. This may not be that exciting to some but to someone like me who has never done a 3d movie project before it’s full of insightful comments and lets me see how things could be done.
For the story, you could go with a free something(never heard of that project before), but the end product will likely(ok, possibly) be more impressive if its your own idea.
And just a question that Im sure others are wondering, what genre do you plan on? A metaphoric ‘quesitoning existence’ storyline, or a horror?
Gotta ask yourself these things…
I really like the idea of voting on a Project Gutenburg book to adapt. (a collecton of books that are no longer in copyright) This would meen it would be a group desision (good for a volenteer-based, colaberative effort) yet stories don’t tend to be as good if writern by multiple authers.
As it is an animation project, I think it should be something rather fantastical.
I can’t garantee that I can work on this project myself - I mean I’d like to contribute some stuff but … sometimes I’m really buzy and sometimes I’d hav time to contribute stuff. I expect this will be the case for most of the contibuters, so it’s worth thinking about how to work around it.
My favorite genre would have to be something medieval/fantasy based.
I do love stories where they have created modern devises using the technology of old.
Additionally I tend to lean towards the cartoony side of life but hey thats just me.
If anyone would like to suggest a book to be translated please feel free to post, I would but there are soooooo many that I like.
I was going to suggest Foust, but when you pointed out “I do love stories where they have created modern devises using the technology of old.” I have been working on a story along those lines which revolves around this spiderdevice and the people who make it and want to take if from each other. -
I have an entire plot worked out and have started writing it as a graphic novel - I could easily write it up as a script, and as a guess it come out at about 50-70 mins.
If you were to use my story I would work very hard on the project, but I would want a certain amount of control. I’m sure you appreciate this.
I would love to see something like this happen, and while i might not be the most useful contributer as far as modeling / animation / sound design goes, i would love to contribute some concept art and/or writing.
From a technical point of view i think getting something like this off the ground would require those involved to think about the resources availiable. If the film was designed to be efficient (poly-count, amount of stuff going on on-screen at once, etc) then it would be much easier to get a quality film. A lot of projects like this become way too ambitious for their own good, where a group of 10 or so hobbyists try to pull off a short of Pixar quality standards, and end up either hitting too many technical problems or just lose steam due to the amount of time something like that requires. While they were making Elephant’s Dream i was worried that something like that would end up happening, but they managed to pull it off. That was probably because they all worked on it non-stop for months and were able to focus solely on the project. Here we have people with jobs, school and other factors to take into account.
But i think it’s an excellent idea, providing that the people that get involved realize what they are signing up for. It’s not easy (or really that much fun) to make a short. I’ve tried it before and i’ll try it again, but it’s about 100x more difficult in practice than you originally think it’s going to be.
Whatever happens… you will need someone in charge who will listen to all input and make a decision, and you will need everyone else to take that decision as law.
The director is God. Fear Him
And it would probably help if something like this got it’s own forum section or something.
EDIT: holy crap, YOG… that spider animation is awesome.