(Community teamwork)

Another thread opened discussing the possibility of Blender artists.org working together to make a blender game that showed off what was possible.

A flame war ensued about everything except making a blender game.

I have proposed we all work together on my own project, however this has not proven to be popular.

Instead this thread will be used to collect Game Design Documents,
Submissions should showcase new upbge features, and push what is possible in the blender game engine.

After we have submissions

We will then have a poll,

After the poll closes we will need concept art for the game, (either from one of us or we can crowd fund an artist)

After the concept is done, people will submit only finished game ready assets,
There will then be a poll to choose the art director based on the completeness of the models and functionality.
(and of course style and ascetics)

Then the art director will be responsible for teaching a team of modelers/riggers and animators to confirm to their art style, and begun finishing the art,

Concurrently a code leader will be chosen using a similar system, all code designs must be Modular and easy to use and well documented.

Before we submit themes for the poll, is there any objections or corrections that need to be made?

Discussion other than this topic will be asked to be removed by the moderators
(we need a project, not another locked thread)

This needs updated however here it is.

Sounds awesome then artists can always refer to this thread to help other’s achieve in what they’re doing.

Is it also for people to build systems that will be able to run perfectly in blender Games?


The systems I have made are designed to be portable, so in theory people could append my camera controller or control proxy pieces to their own blend and make a game,
(also the ui overlay control scene should be pretty easy to make use of elsewhwere)

If we do this right it will sort of set a standard workflow to deviate from.

my msg window is glitched. srry my msg got jacked.

OK. weird my msg was invisible, sux cause i had it all typed up.

Anyway.  not to be negative, but I've tried doing that for years.  I've even put my projects to the side just to team up, but its never worked for me.  Thats because i have a lot to offer a team, but thats never been enough.  I wish for this, I'd be happy to join.  I have tons of python tech demos and shaders.  N i can pretty much model, texture, animate whatever.  you guys know that.  

So whats the plan?

Well, for wrectified I need models that are rigged textured and animated, components, and retexturing and updating the map design kit to look nice,

Waiting on static draw call batching before I get too crazy into a in game map editor. (will be able to run stuff that would cripple the viewport)

But this was more a forum to propose GDD for games besides Wrectified that the community may be more interested in working on together.

(wrectified is a real time action puzzle RPG Sandbox thing of it’s own nature)

Maybe people would get more behind another project?

But now I have a few offers to help finish wrectified…

Preparing a GDD is a multi-day task. Maybe I’ll grab a couple ideas out of my notebook and write them up.


I think that while the code should have complex mechanisms as templates for game developers, the game itself should remain pretty simple. Hence the GDD should be short.

I thought YoFrankie was cool, but it’s now extremely outdated. Doing a SciFi-FPS game has been done countless times - maybe a fantasy type game? I’ve been on the Dark Souls train, so maybe that’s why I mention it.

I find that beginners always come around here wanting to make some large open-world 3rd-person RPG. I think all we need to do is the RPG part in an “endless” world (procedurally generated because less work) to show that UPBGE has that type of capability.


Also, bare in mind, you need to find individuals who want to work for free over their free time for this project. That in itself is a pretty difficult task.

Well I don’t have unlimited time as to work on everything, but if you use my addon on your game I’ll try to priorize the features you may need.

do u have game play? of wrecktified? i saw ur channel i subbed

how long u been working on it? a couple years now right?

Also i still have some old files that i dont plan on giving up on. N i still work on SBG almost daily.
I have…

Super Blender Galaxy 2 – Looks and feels “AMAZING” using a PS3 controller. Plays smooth. a lot is done
[INDENT=3] – its Shaderific!! this game by far, in my own opinion kills it.[/INDENT]

The Legend Of Cibola – Atmosphere is great, has baked world and player shadows, with cool mist shader,[INDENT=3] – and psudo volumetric fog, I have an entire dungeon fully textured. [/INDENT]

Blades of Blender – still have ragdoll scripts and models wanted to make it online. n i do have a[INDENT=2] – working prototype of online play[/INDENT]

@ lucrecesious I wasnt impressed with Yo Frankie. Also I would rather not do a big RPG.

This is all stand in art, models and FX.

I Have more recent models, and this is a developer sandbox, to ensure everything was possile

The real game will start gradually introducing game play abilities as the danger level grows.

programing seems good, u just need to fix up the models n textures.

nvm. so its stand in art.

hey can u send me the rig n model of that robot, i have an idea to make it look sweet.

do u plan on making the robots skinned? also are u using ragdolls or is it just rigid body?

this is a more recent untextured bot

The arms, heads, cores, vehicle parts etc are all modular.

(in this video each arm is 4 copies of 1 armature)

so we need light robot, medium robot, heavy robot parts to work with

light vehicle parts work with light vehicle parts as well etc*

example (light fixed weapon/tool holder for vehicles can parent to robot)

Robot arm can parent to vehicle and hold weapon :smiley:

here is the most recent control proxy, etc
(just started adding UI and Inventory Back)


Wrectified_Actor_Control_Proxy_V4E.blend (837 KB)

thats whats up. is it an animation or is it using physics and python to walk? anim could be better.

was gonna say i can animate him.

it didnt have any characters. the only thing it did was rototate an array of cubes with the mouse.

No, it’s using code to walk, and Raycasts to the ground to play sound +apply force

Arms =IK target 1(aiming)

Legs =using IK target 2(animation)

It unparents all child shapes each frame and reparents them each frame

I have models for the hacktress and ninjaneer, however it needs finished texturing, bake to low poly and rigging etc