Hi folks,
just I tried to compile tuhoopu under linux-ppc but there’s the next problem I unresolved: after the compilation, I see the next messages from make all:
****> Build 04:06:52 05-ago-2003 - 04:23:20 05-ago-2003
and, where is the binary?
Then, if I try to make update, I recieve the next error:
cvs -z3 update -P -d lib/linux-glibc2.3.1-ppc
cvs [server aborted]: no such directory `lib’
make: *** [update] Error 1
It’s strange, cause the tuhoopu repository dont have any module call ‘lib’.
I dont know if runs OK and I dont found the binary on usr/local/bin like official blender’s compile. I would like to make a .deb package for the ppc-linux people