Compiling Blender on Mandrake 10.0 Official

Hey every one. I have sucesfully compiled blender on Mandrake 10.0 using the scons build system. SCons did a perfect job of compiling blender for me as was to be expected. but the problem is when I launch it it gives me an error and dies on me the error is:
guessing ‘./blender’ == ‘/home/einst992/Compile/blender-2.33a/./blender’
Xlib: extension “GLX” missing on display “:0.0”.
ERROR: Unable to open Blender window

Please help me


sounds like a problem with the configuration of your comptuer more than the build

blender has required glx since the new interface iirc, it not being avalble will make it so you cannot run blender at all

what graphics card do you have?

is mesa installed? [it should be before you install particular drivers iirc, and it will do things in software if no such driver is present]

I do have mesa installed, and all and i have an NVidia gForce 2 Graphics card…

do you have the nivida drivers installed?

does your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [it might not have the -4] load the glx module?

I got it working I had to install the nvidia drivers, but not use the nvidia module, and tell it to load GLX and it works fine using the one that nvidia installs causes my puter to freeze yuck damn them…