what do you need to compile a standalone game from blender?
Blender Publisher with installed key. Both you can download from www.blender.org. In Blender Publisher load your game, go to File -> Save runtime. This will create executable file. If you use external Python libraries, do not forget include them to directory with your executable file.
so it has to be 2.25?
i have the key installed and when i click compile runtime it says: ‘ERROR : unable to make runtime: unable to find runtime’
it says that in 2.25 2.26 and 2.27
Can’t save runtime in 2.25?? strange. You must first open the license key, when done you can save runtime in 2.25. I know that saving runtimes in 2.26 and 2.27 doesn’t work, because they game engine in temoray unavalible in these releases. You can only save runtime in 2.25, you can also try searching fro blender 2.23 or 2.24 in google, they can also save runtime. 8)
as it turns out, i was using a pre release 2.25 or something like that. i got the proper one and it works
thats good