complete newbie

im new to blender but i need help to get started in using this program i need to know where i can learn the most basic stuff :expressionless:


Follow the links in the sticky thread at the top of this subforum.

This is nice too


Hey pranks7er, welcome to the fold!

As you can see I’m pretty new to blender too - great isn’t it :stuck_out_tongue: A good way to start is to just generally browse these forums, there’s an absolute tonne of help here.

Everyone here seems to be incredible friendly and helpful, so just ask away if you have questions. One thing I would suggest is to search the forums before you pose a question… As you can imagine the same basic things are asked over and over again, so there will almost always be at least one post dealing with the same thing. If not ask away…

Happy blending!

The blender guide book can help you alot. It can answer many of your questions.