I am a total noob at Blender, but the guy who wrote Noob To Pro wiki book obviously thinks I know all about it.
I am trying to learn to use the Extrusion tool and make the little blocky man. I have created a new project, I am in Edit mode, I am in orthographic view. I have selected the top four vertices (WHICH 4, It doesn’t say or how to get to see only the top 4 i don’t know). I have Limit Selection to View (which took me 1/2 hour to find its called something else). Pressed EKEY/region then “move mouse:four - new - vertices attached to the four that were previously selected are moving around with mouse”. His mouse maybe, but not mine. In fact, I can make my box change color from grey to pink and back again, but thats it.
So whats happening and why isn’t it working? Am I missing something (i.e. ten pages of the wikibook) or is it simply wrong and thats not the way to do it?
Any help plz before my PC exits thru window.
Hm… I don’t quite get what you are saying here. Can you give us a screenshot using PrintKey on the keyboard and then pasting it into a paint program, saving it and then uploading it here? That would help a lot in trying to figure it out. Are you try to extrude a certain area or move it or something else? I am not quite sure.
Best advice I can give you is skip the noob to pro wikibook. It was a noble idea, but the execution is, as you’ve discovered, somewhat lacking.
But don’t give up hope! All is not lost! A somewhat better organized set of documents is the Blender Summer of Documentation, an effort where google actually paid people to spend some of their summer writing documentation.
I recommend File>>New to your noob to pro efforts, and start on Ryan Dale’s Introduction_to_Character_Animation
It’s designed for the beginner, there is a long thread discussing the in’s and outs here on Blender Artists forum, and IMHO it will get you up to speed on most of Blenders commonly used tools quickly.
Welcome to BlenderArtists.