Complex Organic Shape

Hi all!

I’m here looking for help with modeling the below object.

So far, I have modeled and textured (I’m sure I will revise it many times in the future) most of the model.

This is for product vis practice:

The only part I’m struggling with is the ON button (circled).

Any help would be much aprisiated.

P.S I can upload the model if that would help.

Thanks in advance!


Looks a bit off in this view you shared but I believe the smooth section for the thumb is actually parallel to the base ( but could be slanted if needed)
Here is a bit better view…

Basically 2 cylinders one slightly larger in diameter, and a third cylinder Scalled and rotated for a cutter, which forms the thumb indent done with a Boolean Difference

You just need to tweak the shape of the button, or perhaps it is only a half-cylinder which would look better something like this, then add the 3rd cylinder and the boolean…

Thanks so much!

Will try this now.

I believe I have something much closer to what I’m after.


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FFS.blend (1.2 MB)

You can also shape it with a boolean and reconfigure it as a topology.

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