To challegne myself I thought I’d give it a go to mimick a filmposter for ‘Arrival’.
Just after viewing the movie I made a picure of the trainstation of my Hometown Arnhem…
I wanted to put an alien ship next to it.
No big challenge there in Blender…
The challenge began when I wanted to put a nice shadow in and to make the top of the ship disappear into the clouds…
In my scene the floor plus shadow are in one layer, the ship in another and the smoke plus collision object in a third layer.
I’m lost…
Since I’m new I can’t post links or .blends yet. So I’ll try in text…
What would be a good node setup for: background image -> 3D space ship -> smokedomain with hole in it -> compositor to make space ship seem to disappear into the clouds (clouds are in the background picture…)
I’ll raise my post count quickly…