compositing a blender model in a program like aftereffects

What would be the best render settings to do something like this? Or are there better ways?

I like to use a TGA sequence, premultiplied, RGBA. These are the basic settings if your going to be using camera exporter or more advanced things it can change a little. But those are the settings I like to use.

The Blender compositor can do a lot of great stuff, and it works in 32-bit space, so you’d get better results color correcting (for instance) in Blender instead of with a TGA in After Effects (you could render to 32-bit EXR files in Blender and then have the full range in After Effects). That said, there’s a lot you can do in AE that you can’t do in Blender. So your question is a bit too generic to really address.

That said, image sequences (TGA, PNG, using the settings blendswap suggested) are usually better than QT movies. In the output, be sure to include “####” for where the numbers go: myRender_####.tga will produce “myRender_0001.tga, myRender_0002.tga” etc.

Note that there are also addons that will export a .jsx file which you can run in AE to re-create the 3D camera and markers to represent the placement of various blender objects. With a little practice, you can do some pretty awesome stuff by using AE with Blender.