Compositing Contest-The Elements-Discussion only

The subject for the first compositing challenge is:

The Elements!
Using Blender create your best effect that captures one or more elements (earth/wind/fire/water).

The Deadline for entries is 31 MARCH 07 with winner announced the following week.

The winner of the competition will receive a copy of the book, “The Art and Science of Digital Composition” by Ron Brinkmann. I would like to thank Morgan Kaufmann publishing for donating the books and Mr. Brinkmann for putting together such a great resource.

I would also like to thank Matt Ebb (Broken) and the gentlemen from Hand-Turkey Studios for volunteering to be judges.

Links to entries will be places in the sister thread in this forum. Please only post once per entry (multiple entries are acceptable if clearly labeled as a separate entry). Final video may be as long (or short) as you like, but I recommend to keep it reasonable for download purposes.

Entries to be judged on:
-Wow factor
-Degree of complexity


  1. Teams are not authorized (for this event)
  2. Any Video/Image format is acceptable as long as there is a reasonable expectation to play it on any of the following OS: Win, Mac, Linux
  3. Blender (any version publicly available) must be used for all aspects of the work, with the following exceptions:
    -Alternate software may be used for 2D purposes, but not to process effects (ie. photoshop/gimp)
    -Alternate software may be used to capture/convert video formats, but not process effects (ie. DV capture/transcode)
    -Alternate software may be used for motion tracking
  4. Prior works started before 25 FEB 07 are not eligible. Don’t want to give an unfair advantage to some people.
  5. Copyrighted material may not be used unless permission has been granted by copyright holder
  6. Commercial works are eligible if they comply with the previous rules.

wow! Sweet, will totally be looking out for these!
Peace man

How many entries will we be allowed? :wink:


I am still writing the rules. I don’t think I’ll allow more than one entry per person (for the judges sake).



Does it involve modeling, or just Compositing…just asking, cause i suck at modeling, but know a thing or two about compositing… (love the nodes, btw)

Thanks about the nodes. If find you need something, let me know. The contest is going to be just for compositing, however you may need to create some 3d objects for effects. I would recommend sticking to simple or freely available models which I think are listed in the animation challenge rules.



Sounds very interesting . . . will you have to post your node setup, or an un-noded version of the image?

i think you should be forced to share the input and the node and the .blend, if nothing more than for the judges to validate your entry and make sure that “just a little” photoshop didnt sneak in there. We have enough of Finished projects that leave users scratching their heads.

I still need to talk it over with the other judges, but right now I’m leaning towards the .blend (node setup) is to be made available and if the artist consents the input can be released as well. One of the goals is to put together a node library for everybody to use. Once we get it figured out, it will be posted in the rules.



tuck it away…hide it from me…cause you knew if i found this i would dominate like the man…super wu-man that i am.
people super wu-man can not, will not, and shall not be out compostied.
anytime, anyplace count me in, you all are going to get WORKED!!!

bob-holocomb- any idea of when this will take place? long live the wu!!

I’m pretty much in love with Wu.


It will be shortly after the release of the next version (expect about a week). But the topic will not be released until then.



thanks bob, uhhhhhhhh where should i put this in the meantime?

MrDodobird - the wu loves you and your work too, however, it dosnt mean that i wont drop you and anyone else who enters like i dropped the trash on the curb for the trashman to pick up.

i mean seriously, i saw your site MrDodobird, and you work is awsome, but do you guys really think you can beat my composite masterpeices like this one ?

let me give you guys a clue, you cant…

who has produced the most greenscreen work scince it was created…

who helped out with the greenscreen tutuorial on wiki…

who already has an idea written…

who looks best in a thong…

oh boy, haha, this is going to be sad, hahahahahahahahaha, WORKED i tell you WORKED!!
HAHA!!:evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:

dont encourage him i dont want to see wu in a thong no matter how well it is composited…

I don’t mean to be rude Wu but after seeing some of Mrdodobird’s compositing, I’d have to say you’ll be hard pressed to win.
Seriously Mrdodobird, That is some serious work there.
Big Fan, I agree. The thought of Wu in a thong just about dropped me, the way I dropped the trash on the curb for the trashman to pick up.


It apears, Wu, that come compertition time, a side of your personality that lies dormant the rest of the time surfices and posts loads of mildly amusing posts on the forum. :confused:

Oh man. You’re the creator of the Bat… Head?

I’m out.

i heard the competition was called off cause MrDoodooface’s mom said she didnt want him taking on the almighty, and great super wu…dang! how freaking lame is that?!?

i mean i checked out the guys website, and the stuff is really awsome…for me to poop on. seriously he couldnt composite his way out of a wet torn paper bag.

lets do it this way, bob-holcomb you can just send me the prize. and i throw it on the huge pile of other prizes i’ve won in the past cause children couldnt get their parents permission.

seriously, dont test the wu…parents should’nt have to bury their own children…


DANG! does this mean that I can’t use my lightsaber compositing node setup for the contest? I almost have it working now.

sorry to be stupid face, but i dont think i understand elements? earth, wind, fire, water?

i thought compositing was greenscreen? please explain? wouldnt water, fire, wind, earth be particals? not nodes? animations of water, fire, earth, wind would all be done with partical effects…right…no??

i didnt even realize that water, fire, wind, water could be done with nodes/composting? please explain.

i dont want to be a pain. i really love all the compostie tools added to blender. but for the very first contest shouldnt it be more like a free for all. elements just seems to be too specific. free for all meaning you have until march 31st to use blender to make the best compostieing animation/live action video that you can?

what do you think…give directions…the wu awaits…