Compositing Live Action With Blender CG

I think that this is the best place on the forums to post this question, if I’m wrong about that, let me know.

My goal is to be able to implement CG work into live action video. I have so far made a blender model of a practice item and filmed a short live action segment to put it into. I then motion tracked the live action using the program Icarus and imported Icarus’ tracking points into blender. Therefore, I now have a correct camera pan with my blender model in it, within blender. My question now is, how do I composite the two? I mean, the raw live action footage and the CG blender work.

I had thought that I might attempt to create a green screen backdrop in blender to chroma key in the video editing software, but I thought that there might be a better way to do it that I cannot think of (or if even my theory would prove successful). I would greatly appreciate the assistance in combining these two elements so that I can create my own marvelous video sequences.

Also I have yet to test out the green screen idea, but once I can nail down some of the lighting better, it might work.

Anyway, thanks for the help!

You can set the video as a back-ground. :]

Go to World buttons. Add a texture in the texture an input tab, set the texture mapping type to ‘view’. Also, in the ‘preview’ tab, set the view type to ‘paper’. In the ‘map to’ tab, make sure the ‘map to’ is set to ‘horizon’.

Go to Texture buttons. In the ‘image’ tab, load the video you want to play. Set the type to ‘movie’. There are some extra fields there, but you can figure them out.

Anyway, make sure your aspect ratios and resolutions are the same in your movie and render settings, and you should be all set!

P.S. As a quick tip, to make objects that mask out other objects with the background, make the object have a texture with the ‘env’ setting on.

Scroll down to the Alpha Over node examples :

Substitute a RenderLayer node for one of the image nodes

That should give you the basic composite, other nodes may be necessary to “tweak” things, e.g. you can use a translate, scale node (2.43) to move the image around. or Matte nodes for more sophisticated effects.

BlackBoe : Thanks for the steps for the “World Technique”, I haven’t used that before :slight_smile:
