Compositor Not Showing in Render

I’m using 4.3 and my compositor effects are not attached to the render. The effect is fine in both the compositor preview and the viewport render, but not in F12 render. Am I missing a setting? I don’t usually use the F12 render. Cheers.

Do you have your nodes connected to a composite node or only to a viewer node?

Do you have compositor switched on in the properties panel? Not at my desk, so i am not sure where exactly that checkbox it but it is there with another one for the sequencer.

In the f12 render window there is also a drop down which you can change from “composite” to - i think - “view layers” or something like that.


Output → Post Processing-> Pipeline : Composition …at least until 3.6

…also to the view layer… :wink:

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Thanks, that was it. I had both composite and view output nodes, but I hadn-t connected the composite node. It was 2 am so I’m going to use that as my excuse. :smile:


That’s why i have something like this in my Compositor… saved in my startup
file… :wink:

Nice little guy there… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



Hope to see that guy in a full-res render here soon. :+1:


It’s the first time I’ve ever actually used the compositor. I usually just do screengrabs from the IPR render. I’ll definitely do this in my startup scene.

This little guy will be rendered in glorious 64 pixel resolution. :laughing: I’m doing some tests to animate 3D characters and turn them into game sprites in UE. I know you remember Contra on SNES. :grin:

It’s also my first time animating in Blender so it gives me an extra does of that learning new things in 3D excitement…and frustration. :grin:



Absolutely! Fabulous game, making great use of the SNES Mode 7 chip effects. :green_heart:

:sweat_smile: That’s why I seldomly animate. :sweat_smile: Good luck!


Hehe! The mode 7 was amazing at the time. Instead of the fake Gryzor ‘3D levels’ they had the Mode 7 top down. Very cool.

I’m actually enjoying it. I have the idle and the run done so far. It’s been so long since I’ve done any character animation, and that was in Max and Maya.
It’s all coming back to me though. I still have my Animator’s Handbook giant book here on the shelf. :smile:

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Do you happen to mean Richard Williams’ book? It’s one of the animator’s bibles.

I used to be a 2D animator, before I entered the 3D realm. I also love Preston Blair’s Cartoon Animation:


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Yep, that’s it. Bible indeed. Preston Blair book is great too.

Have you ever though about reliving your youth and creating an old-school game? It’s a LOT easier to do nowadays. :smile:

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Well… I’ve been fiddling with the new Unbound release this afternoon, and tried the logic blocks in the game editor. Who knows, I might return to game development… :smiley:

You might need to scroll down a bit for my logic blocks video.