
Is the compositor really useful or just for general basic things…

I don’t know how much more it can do at this point (will look more into soon), but from what i see in the “add” menu in the nodes there are only a few basic filters and other few functions.

if someone could point me to a more informative wiki or site about the “blender compositing” it would be great, because i haven’t found it yet.

thus here some questions;

  • i didn’t find any masking tools (freeform, rechtangular, circular, etc.), possible?

  • are there more operators (filters and such) available and is it possible to use external plugins like after effects plugins?

  • i did a test where i applied a filter and it got a bit slow. - is there any ram-buffer (like in ae) available or not?

for some infos on this or links to wiki pages & sites i’d be very thankful…

  1. There’s a “sticky” thread at the top of this forum :

     	 			 			 			[Composit node effects, techniques, solutions ...](
  2. There’s a whole compositing section in the manual, from the Blender Help Menu / Manual

What are you trying to do exactly?
