I created a cup by creating a cylinder, parting all of the sections, parenting all of them to one of the sides, enabling physics for all of them, and selecting the compound object button for the parent side. I tested it and it didn’t work! the one side that is the parent will collide with objects, but the rest just pass through, so that it looks like the cup is sunk into the plane. i even have a blend made by another blender user that uses compound objects, and those work!!! Im pretty sure i set mine up like they did, but maybe im missing something. sorry, i cant post a blend.
game–>show physics visualization - this will help track down incorrect collisions
it helps if you build complex physics objects at the origin. Get them working there first and then translate them to their correct postion in the scene
>>just curious, what does clear parent inverse do?
I don’t know exactly what it does either, but it seems to be important for compound objects. Do this after you added the objects to the compound. And indeed, physics visualization helps a lot to detect such cases. This is documented in the example physics files.