when rendering in cycles, (i am using PNG @ 1000 samples) should i put the percentage scale for render resolution to 100% and also compression in output, is this best @ 100% please for best quality when rendering?
i know openEXR is better quality but i want a transparent background
Putting the reader resolution at 100% will render the image to exactly what is defined above so ff you set the resolution to 1920x1080 it will render that to 1920*1080. Setting it to 50% will half both dimensions resulting in a 960x540 render. PNGs have lossless compression so using 100% compression will not have any downsides other than increasing the time it takes to output the image and will not affect the quality.
thanks so much for the reply. ahh no wonder my 1920x1080 came out @ 960x540 lol thank you for that. so if i want a true 1920x1080 then i should have it set to 100% correct?
and if using PNG or openEXR can i have compression @ 15% as wonβt make any difference or what do you recommend please?