Compz - GUI System

hi i just made a gfx update for new upbge input sytem

i have problem wiht git on my computer so if anyone can make a pullrequset on github it would be very cool

edit :
i have resolve my problem so y have make a pull request

when i try to look at the docs.My webroot antivirus says it is malicious websight.

Well then your “antivirus” is wrong.

my antivirus software won’t even let me get into the webpage.

then you should delete your antivirus.

The documentation link is dead. It’s redirecting to a scam site or whatever.

I am not going to delete my antivirus that costs money.

Thats ok. You could try now this:

very cool… was waiting for something like this

Hello, I think this project very interesent.:smiley:
But I don’t understand the difference between TwisterUI and Compz.
And how to install the module (I am on Ubuntu) ?

Sorry for my bad english and thank you for your time

Hi Twister,
Is it possible to use the latest UI in vanilla BGE? Right now it is working only in UPBGE.

Did you try the test.blend file on the github repository ?

Just opened it with 2.79 and it worked…

tui.blend works only in UPBGE…I have an older version of the UI that works in BGE, but I think it’s incomplete.
Where is test.blend in the newest version? I see only tui.blend.

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That’s the same I have and it’s not the UPBGE version.

So you are not talking about Compz, but TwisterUI?

In that case idk, what is your error when you start the game with it? Maybe someone will be able to troubleshoot it.

And wdym “it is not the UPBGE version”?, you said: “Is it possible to use the latest UI in vanilla BGE? Right now it is working only in UPBGE.”, and I linked you to the test.blend file that works on vanilla BGE.
I am confused.

In UPBGE you have the 3D plane with the UI projected on it and a nice .py file that shows it’s fuctionality. In vanilla BGE you have 3 lines of code in the .py and a json. I need .py files with examples - how to link game obj to the UI functions, scaling dialog on fullscreen…etc.

could this be used to display the response of a python chatbot?

Just had a look at tui.blend and why it is not working on BFBGE, turns out new functions just got added to the bgl module. Funny thing is that there isn’t even documentation written about it. So no easy way to fix this for BFBGE. Maybe convert bgl module calls to OpenGL module calls, but you would need to use new types as parameters.

it working, my testing upbge for that source, not to UPBGE 3.

now look documention

maybe we can donate someone ,coffe? :smile: