Concept Art: Ships

A couple more.

These are older scenes that I’ve retooled.


Damn your last 3 posts caught my eye. That stylized comic like look is pretty nice. Could you tell me how you do it?

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Render out relatively flat renders. Have a bit of bump or whatever but try to avoid loads of detail. Bring into AE.

Use different instances of CC Cartoon (some for edges, some for fill), threshold, for the random brush strokes I use a layer with vector blur on.

Some images require more cartoon, some less. Its a dial in to taste kind of situation.

The main thing is isolating what you need from the image. Make the shading flatter. Find the edges you want to be thicker and thinner edges for details.

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Great cartoon look. I like that. :+1:

Also I want to mention that I had to laugh a bit about your username. Now I can’t stop thinking about the original. I did not heard that for years. Thanks. :laughing:


Glad you got a chuckle :slight_smile:

Interesting way of doing this, thanks for the explanation!

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No problem at all. Hope it was helpful

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks again Bart :slight_smile:

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