It’s been about ten discontinuous hours so far (over three days)…and with school and all, this might take me awhile
I’ve recorded the first five hours, and compressed into 38 min
(PS: the video might play faster than it should, I don’t know why. But you can pause iy, reset the timeline, and it should then play at normal speed)
And only a few days after being told that you needed to be Cinder1 to design custom cars right? Anyway, looks awesome so far, looking forward to updates, especially if this is going to be as good as the Ghondir AG2.
for the uneven paint, I use a noise procedural texture, in this case a voronoi with a very small |size| value.
I set it to effect the |nor| channel, with a value of 0.05
The Brembo is from a logo I googled, and then photoshoped to give it an alpha channel. I used the empty to position it on the caliper face
The scratch/groove lines in the disks are a procedural wood texture, set to radial.
I increased the |size x| and |size y| values to shrink the texture down, and had it effect the nor value at 0.50
your rendering is fantastic.
but… on the brake assembly, the black ring thing attached to the top of the brake disk doesnt seem to have quite the same quality as the rest of the other parts. To be more specific I cant tell what material it’s supposed to be or what the surface should feel like(smooth/rough). I call this the CG gap;what lets you tell the difference between CG and reality.
Other than that, I love it. (esp. the extreeme body contours):yes:
Hitechboy722: Your right. I looked online for disks assemblies, and found that material I should use should have a dull, metallic look. Thanks for pointing that out.
Well what comes to the design… it reminds a bit too much Zonda… imho. Also i am not sure is the flat kind of rear nice… it looks. odd… But overall very nice modelling,.
Every thing on this car is just so nice but the absolute nicest part if you ask me are the rims, wonderful is the best word to describe them I think… But the whole car has such a nice “flow” that really makes me want to look more and more and more… The only minor thing on this car that I don’t like are the rearlights, I think they feels to old if you compare to the headlights that has a really modern design. I’m really looking forward to see what this project turns out to be like…
Hmm… hehe when I was a kid I had a blue car that looked very similiar to this… but I think it looks better in 3d, and in orange.! Very good, tho, your doin great! The car is very smooth… sigh
hey there…
this is awesome… one crit would be the rear lights… they dont seem to have as much detail as the rest of the car.
one thing i will ask though… where do you start? and how do you model? i am interested in creating a concept, but i dont know where to start with the modelling… i have some ideas in my head, but i dont know where and how to start… can you perhaps enlighten to as to this, as you have made a concept…