Concept Car

"Not Aerodynamica but rather flowing curves, or more generaly Shapes, is the master idea behind this concept piece. When I drew this, at Two in the morning, I was actually seeking for a wayto tire me out, my initial goal was to Draw Something, I started, and I knew I was Gonna creating something, but I didn’t even know What, or How. I made My pencil Flow lines on the paper.

In my continuous quest for Harmony, Which can be found in Nature around us. I therefore unconsciencly Faked nature, Or atleast try to approach it. Despite that I must ask you not to Look at this piece as an organic model.

I needed Shapes that flowed, that Fitted, Shapes in pure harmony, and I knew I needed circles, somehow. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t have a clue what I was drawing, untill I had finished the hood, and I realised, While doing the right Wheelcap; ‘Oh, Man, I’m Drawing a Car’. A few Months later I did a couple of failed atemps, But I just now realised That I was trying to hard, I just now Realised that you create things better when you Give it all out off your hands and let life have it’s ways, if I fight Life, saying to myself: ‘I can do this alone, I will do it myself’, Life Can’t help you out."

So far my personal experiance with this, I would Love to hear everyone’s View upon this.

And The Direct Link incase it’s to huge for you guys:

Thank you for Viewing my work, Thank you for taking the time to read all this, and to form a valuable oppinion on it. I tried my best to express myself, and the vibe which Constantly goes through every fiber of my body.

Sincerely Yours,

oooooooh looks kewl :smiley:
maybe try making it in blender? :spin:

Love the shading, the car looks kinda abstract.

it is certainly conceptual and abstract.

very voluptuous, it’d be interesting to see where further exploration takes you.