Concept roadster. Raytraced version.

This was the first model I made with the new Blender Raytracer when the prototype was released. I hadn’t realised that I never got round to doing a raytraced render, so here it is wearing my nice orange candy flip car paint. Small amount of contrast and level adjustment in PS7.

Click here to view.

Thanks for looking, oh yeah I know the tyre tread sucks. :expressionless:


ya, the tire tread isn’t the best, but the image is great!

how did you make that body?!!!?!!?!!!?!!???

It looks very nice, however I do have a few q’s.

Is that a VW logo on the front? is that an idea for a new Karmann Ghia?

Either way, it looks pretty sweet. :smiley:

Started with a plane and extruded. Used rotate around cursor when extruding the rear end to get a nice curve.

It’s Suzanne. Or her head inside a chrome ring. All my concept cars have this emblem. You can just see another one inside the car between the seats.

The original renders:- Cllick to view. Plan view. Perspective view.


That’s a very nice render! how do you open the door? :slight_smile:

It’s a concept render… maybe the doors are electric and open with an IR key. I hate those alloys… too much metal.
Beautifull paint job.

:< !HANDS OFF! :<

much better than the first one, next one will be even better.

Well it looks awesome for me, nice reflections, and really smooth. :stuck_out_tongue: Keep working on it, I’m really excited to get the 2.32 manual and do more rendering and modeling. :smiley:

or the doors can be like the shops when you go neer em they will open (altho you could rob it easy) :smiley:

Thanks for the comments my friends.

The door handles are on the inside, and the car is protected by ultrasound IR activated alarm system.

Wheels shall be remodeled, was trying a technique in an old Blender tute but they don’t suit really.

Oh and thanks for the encouragement, I’ll be doing some more with this soon.

Jd-Multi, I’m dying to see some more of your work dude, but I don’t think you really need the manual for that.


New wheels, and a couple of new coats of paint.

Click ME to see.

Tyre is now polymodeled instead of relying on textures. Colour of body was changed using hue and saturation settings in Photoshop. This made me realise I could have done the same inside Blender, but managed to save 8 hrs in render time by cheating with PS. :smiley:

(The second one is my fav, that orange rocks.)

Hope you like.


That orange is the best. The car is very beautiful, but lacks practicality (well, it is a concept). Whatever, nice job.