
Ferrari f21 concept wip
My updated artswork, but this is still wip about completed 80. and i made it without blueprint but i see the references image, because with blueprint its hard and this model is own model.

And this is compositing effect for my project car. This compositing its simple to make it. I just adding a lens projection and mixing with color corection for better result of rendering :wink:

Leave comments please for better soon. Thanks for seeing my project and I hope you like it.
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Quite nice scene! I would like to see the front, too. And I’m wondering why you have those “swirls” in the wireframe in the back of the car?! I’m actually trying to learn how topology works best with a Subdiv.

I was going to say the same, that topology at the back looks a bit messy to say the least, even without seeing the non subdivided mesh. The model looks great, but those weird loops can make the reflections look wrong.

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