If any one is interested, you can download my concord model
on kazaa or edonkey. Look for Blender Concord.zip, 1.2 meg.
and feel free to use how you like. I will try to get it on a hosting
site later, like when I remember my username and pass word.
Keep Concord flying vertually at least.
Im sorry you think its off topic, but as its a 3d model made in blender,
in blender format, and like blender, free I thaught some members of the comunity might appreciate it. Im sure not everyone who visits ElYsiun
also visits blender.org and I wanted to get it up to coincide with the final flight of concord, but as me modem decided to blow up the night before
that unfortunatly was the only way I could post it. I will set up a site this afternoon to make it easier for people to download it and view a screen shot, but some of you may remember some renders of it from a year ago
when I was playing with vertex shading. I looks great with the new shaders.