I got inspired by the topic for the latest timed challenge. You guys sure come up with some good ideas!
It took me about … a d@m long time to do, so I didn’t post it in the contest. I wanted some help with it, but I didn’t want to clutter up the contest post with non-entries (how’s that sort of thing work around here), so I’ma post it here.
I have to go to work now, but I’ll be back later with some questions about how to improve my style and quality. Any tips you can point out (note the high quality grass and sky and the way the roof just sits there looking stupid!) will be very helpful.
On the plus side–guess who kind of figured out the spin tool!
It’s looking good so far. Perhaps you should like to learn some new “tricks”? Here’s a good one for you… Your roof, and your foundation cylinder, you can do one of two things to them.
For both options, select the mesh and “Set Smooth” (it’s on the toolbar in the left panel for 2.55).
Add an “Edge Split” modifier to them. The default settings should work just fine… but maybe for the roof you may need to turn the angle up from 30 to something a bit higher (shouldn’t be any more then 45).
Add a “Subsurf” modifier. In edit mode select Edges (where would be “creased” or sharp edges. Then CTRL+E -> Edge Crease (or SHIFT+E), either drag your mouse to sharpen/soften it or type a number (1 is max, -1 is min).
For your mesh so far, I recommend the Edge Split. It usually depends on how close you “shoot” the photo and what level of detail you need.