Hi I’m quite new to blender and one thing i find quite annoying is the absence of a ‘Are you sure you wish to close?’ button when I attempt to exit blender. Losing work due to the lack of this is already becoming a pain, and can’t imagine what it would be like when I start making more complex projects
Is there some sort of option to enable this that i have overlooked? Or is there some sort of script/addon/mod or something that I could use to implement this?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. If this has already been answered I appologise but, couldn’t find it anywhere on the forums
If you use CTRL-Q to quit instead of clicking the button, it will ask you to confirm…
If you still accidently click the button, you can try your luck with the:
File->Recover Last Session
menu option.
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. Seeing the confirm exit at the top of the list on blenderstorm isn’t much of a surprise really, hopefully we’ll see at least the option on the next version. Also thank you VERY much alienkid10 for the thing about C: mp\ folder, didn’t realise everything was stored in there before, can’t see me losing anything in the near future now :).