Confused by Texture paint Clone brush?

I’m trying to learn the projection painting tools…

Can anyone tell me how to set the source image when using texture (projection)
painting (2.49) with the Clone button?

The tooltip on the Clone button rather unhelpfully says “Use RMB to drag source

But drag it from where???

I’ve got multiple UV mapping, and clone from other UVTex working fine. Using
the “Clone Layer” button ON. But with the “Clone Layer” button OFF, I assume
I can clone from an image or inside the 3D view (or somewhere?) without setting
up multiple UV spaces.

The only tutorials/docs I can find use multiple UVtex clone (or refer to the Clone
button in the UV/Image editor window, which is different).

Please. Someone out there must know how this works.



Never fails. Post a Q, and work it out yourself about 10 minutes later.

OK. It’s Ctrl-LMB to set the 3D-cursor at that location defining the clone source, then LMB-paint


