confused with "align view to selected"

I’d like to add windows in a roof. It has to be quite accurate. I have the floor plan (or better roof plan). It’s, of course, flat. So I need to align the angular part of the roof to my view to copy the windows. I saw that with " * " I can do that, but it doesn’t work in the way I need. It just skips in an different view like front or something. Does somebody know how this function works or how I can control this operation?

Thx in advance and have a nice day

Just in the rare case where “Alligned to selected” doesn’t work the way you want it :wink: , you can always rotate the view and try to bring it to a more suitable position for what you want to do, with Numpad keys 6 and 4 (rotate the view clockwise/counterclockwise) and 8 & 2 (rotates the view uppwards/downwards, respectively…)…

I hope this helps…

Enter edit mode and then select 3 or 4 vertices on the plane for which you wish to align the view. Press shift-v and you will be presented with a short menu of how you wish to align the view relative to your selected vertices.

The “*” aligns the view to the local axis of the selected object (just in case you didn’t understand what was going on)

Hope this helps,

btw, after following GrayBeard’s advice, I find it helpful to insert an Empty and name it something like ‘Roof_Angle’, so that I just have to select the Empty and click NumPad_* any time I want the view to be perpendicular to the roof.

Nice trick !


hey guys, thx for the answers. they made it really easier. Of course I could arrange the view with numpad, but if there’s an option to avoid it, it’s much better. thx again for all answers.