Confusion of development

Hi, I am quite new user of Blender. I use it about a year and recently noticed a new development version. I am very confused.
Development seems to me illogical and ignoring some basic facts.

I see Blender as a versatile tool. Contains videoditor, sculpt mode animations. Especially Sculpt Mode, and animation to achieve major improvements. I’m a delighted, of course. The new version includes some enhancements that will please a considerable proportion of users. I do not think the new look. It is quite nice. Although largely wasted space.

But there are many things that bothers me, and I consider it a mistake.

  1. Why was the creation of an integrated storage and opening a dialogue, when his only extra features are bookmarks? In fact, nothing else can not. Why did not use the dialog from the operating system?
  2. Why in the instruments Sculpt mode, you can choose the texture, but I set it somewhere else? It’s very confusing.
  3. Why Blender have not much more advanced modeling tools? Yes, Blender can animate, sculpt, render, and much more, but it is always necessary to create the model. With existing tools is very difficult. Miss tools such as bevel edge (like Cinema 4D or Modo for example), twist and bend in destructive form, and applied to the selection. Inset and more. Modeling is in my base and it lags in Blender. It is really hard thing to model precisely.
  4. Why have the new blender window manager, which allows multiple windows when not using it other than setting?
  5. New Tool shelf is great, but why items have not icons? Very wrong with me looking at them. In contrast, each icon is silly anywhere else.
  6. Why must the clicking CTRL I could rename the object in the outliner? DoubleClick would not suffice?

etc, etc. …

Blender is very different from other 3D editors. That’s not good when almost no way less than their individual merits. Its operation can be fairly well understood, but some are really matter illogical. I like Blender, and probably why I write this.

Adrew Price recently said that most users are novices. Why? Because users will soon begin to interfere with the shortcomings of Blender and run away. Blender is just a stepping stone?

Thus, one could continue much longer, but I see a lot of things alone. The new version can do many things, but basic ones can not or does not support them well. For example, modeling. I realy need good modeling tolls. Why? Because if i want animate, render or enything i must model it!

Blender is focused on many things, but a fundamental forgotten.

Sorry for my bad English. GT

It is in development.
First phase is mostly changes to code to prepare it for all they have in mind and you named several of them.
They are just now searching for bugs of first phase.

Can’t we just have a giant FAQ about why Blender 2.5 is the way it is with each answer being a composite of replies from the many threads we already have about accessibility for beginners and those just starting in 3D?

These threads start up so often I don’t see why they’re worth discussing about anymore.

star code, earn respect. change.

everything you have said is already known, and will be resolved in due time, blender2.5 is ~80% new code thus many issues and bugs have arisen , we at the moment consetrated heavily in making sure the foundations are strong and sturdy, better do it now then later when there is an 80 level building on them.

So rest assured what 2.5 is now is not what it will be. once 2.6 is out, new features and improvements will come thick and fast including what you have said here, so please be patient use 2.49 if you have to, blender will return to its glory soon enough

also there is alot of scripts for what you want in the contrib branch of bf-extensions svn repo (scripts not ready for inclusion into trunk)

svn checkout bf_blender_extensions (or equivilant)

then from there you copy the addons folder into <where blender is>/2.55/scripts/addons then you can enable what you want then ctrl-u to save as default

more info can be found here:

  1. Why was the creation of an integrated storage and opening a dialogue, when his only extra features are bookmarks? In fact, nothing else can not. Why did not use the dialog from the operating system?
  2. Why in the instruments Sculpt mode, you can choose the texture, but I set it somewhere else? It’s very confusing.
  3. Why Blender have not much more advanced modeling tools? Yes, Blender can animate, sculpt, render, and much more, but it is always necessary to create the model. With existing tools is very difficult. Miss tools such as bevel edge (like Cinema 4D or Modo for example), twist and bend in destructive form, and applied to the selection. Inset and more. Modeling is in my base and it lags in Blender. It is really hard thing to model precisely.
  4. Why have the new blender window manager, which allows multiple windows when not using it other than setting?
  5. New Tool shelf is great, but why items have not icons? Very wrong with me looking at them. In contrast, each icon is silly anywhere else.
  6. Why must the clicking CTRL I could rename the object in the outliner? DoubleClick would not suffice?

Your english is kind of hard to understand actually. I apologize if i misunderstood you somewhere:

  1. I’m not quite sure what you are talking about, do you mean the console? The OS console will be removed in due time. It’s still there just for debugging purposes.
  2. I believe a better GUI for this will be thought of in the future, but that’s just how it is atm.
  3. Modeling tools are frozen atm because of Bmesh development. Bmesh is a new Blender mesh system, which allows N-Gons and will let the creation of advanced tools.
    How ever, currently it’s developed by a single person and it is going really slow. I believe, that once 2.6 is out, the devs will consentrate on bmesh to get it done, then we will have the super ultra awesome modeling tools.
    Currently 2.49 has better modeling tools then 2.5.
  4. That is not true. You can use it for whatever you want.
  5. I believe there are no icons just because someone would have to draw thousants of Icons. However, strangely, people don’t complain about that at all, so it’s not really considered. There is a little debate I had on blenderstorm:
  6. No idea. I agree that double clicking is more efficient… But when i start speaking about control efficiency, that it’s not perfect, people start shouting “It’s a matter of taste”…
  1. The workflow is exactly the same across every platform.
  2. Blender does not use any external UI library.
  3. The file browser has some (Although small at the moment) features that normal file browsers do not.
  4. The file browser is more integrated into Blender (For example drag and drop)

Having a texture editor in the sculpt mode toolshelf would go against Blender’s UI conventions, Blender doesn’t put the same thing in two places.

New modeling tools are in development. With open source software sometimes you have to wait.

Blender is designed to work with one window per screen, and since most people have one screen, it opens one window. You can duplicate a window with CTRL+ALT+W. The reason that the user preferences open in a new window is so that it can be closed before the preferences and layout are saved, as user preferences are not supposed to be part of the default layout in Blender 2.5.
There is nothing preventing you, of course, from duplicating windows and having only one window per editor, I doubt it would be very effecient though.

That’s been suggested a few times, and I guess if the icon designer wants to do that I’m sure it would be accepted. It is a lot of work though.

That could be done, it should be very simple code to write. In fact, it’s in the simple todos on the developer wiki. The only thing preventing me from doing it is I don’t know how to get a double click. It could be just because nobody has bothered to do it.

With Bridge script, it is, now, near to what 2.49 can do. Blender always had well thought quick and simple basic tools.
Twist and Bend is a good example of what could be done by transform operators, proportionnal editing and 3dcursor.
Simple Deform modifier is recent (since 2.48). There are modifiers in blender, only since 2.40 (2006).
Modeling in 2.5 is possible with old good blender way.
You can display edge length and use snap to grid.

The better way to Bevel and Inset in 2.49 was to use excellent scripts. There is no equivalent add-on, yet in 2.5.

I am not saying that it is easy to quickly make a precise model with bevel modifier and without inset as in others complete software.
But there are more selection tools, new screw and solidify modifiers. Spin and Screw are much better in 2.5.
2.5 is only BETA and Sintel was made with these modeling tools and Elephant Dreams with less.

  1. Why must the clicking CTRL I could rename the object in the outliner? DoubleClick would not suffice?

It is just old shortcut. Ctrl+left click is really often use in blender.
Double click is not great for all kind of input (mac mouse, tablets)
You can change it in User Preferences->Input-> Outliner -> Rename Item.