Congraduations to me!

I just graduated from highschool today! … yippie.
I was number five in the top ten. … yippie.

Well, congradulations to me.

Before I vote you have to decide if you want to have





Congratulations :slight_smile:





I’m proud of ya… :smiley:



Congratulations :smiley:


Con-graduations… clever!


Good job! You get… TEN zorros

:Z :Z :Z :Z :Z :Z :Z :Z :Z :Z

Coming from a country where high schoools don’t exist I woulnt know whet to vote but well done anyway :wink:

I found in yesterday’s newspaper the speach that our class’ salutatorian gave at our graduation last week. I thought Aimee gave a great speach that described our class very nicely, so I wanted to share it. I’m not sure if the whole speach is quoted, but most of what I remember most was there. The paper spelled her name wrong.

Paper (I hope this isn’t copyright infringement):

Salutatorian Amy Alaxander reminded her classmates that the strength of the class “has always been our ability to understand and accept each other’s eccentricities.”

“Our high school years were not spent plotting clique against clique,” said Alexander. “Our class was more concerned with creating friendships that were not only flexible, but enduring.”

“Through these friendships, a sense of diversity and tolerance was created,” she said. “It was these qualities that kept us afloat and carried us on, even though we were not the most athletic, or the most cooperative, or cheered the loudest in the stands.”

Quoting Aldous Huxley who said, “Experiece is not what happens to a man, it is what a man does with what happens to him,” Alexander said “the unique qualities that we have discovered within ourselves through our high school have given us the blank page that is the future.”

“It is now our choice to decide whether we will gain wisdom through theese experiences by filling it,” she said.

Then it goes on with a summery of the Validvictorian’s speach.

I like how she pointed out that we never formed small groups of people that kept to ourselves. I know there must be a lot of classes throughout the world where people of diverse interests all associate freely with eachother, but it was a nice reminder of what we might have taken for granted.

I also liked how she mentioned “we were not the most athletic, or the most cooperative, or cheered the loudest in the stands.” That statement fits our class perfectly. We had very few sports players. We never cheered, or even gone to the games. We had a hard time agreeing, and we rarely did what eachother wanted to do. At our school there is a yearly feild day event called cougarfest (our mascot is a cougar). Only about half of our class ever participated in the games (I was one of the ones who never liked to play), and half of the half who had didn’t care or try their hardest. Our class had never come close to winning in our four years. We simiply didn’t care about anything … but we were all still friends.

Sorry, I just liked Aimee’s speach. Aimee’s hot … I mean, she’s a great speaker! Umm… I wouldn’t be surprised if she becomes president some day, because she’s brilliant and does everything. She was president of our class twice, vice presendent, president of regional student cousel (or whatever it was), actress in two school variety shows, manager for boys basketball and other sports. She did more in the office than the faculty! It’s amazing how she was still able to keep her grades up! I’m just saying, with her looks, motivation, dertermination, and intelligance I’m sure she’s going to go far. What a woman!

There’s an “Aimee” in every school. They seem special compared to their peers but they’re really a dime a dozen like everyone else. I hate graduation speeches. They’re always too long and say the exact same thing…blahhhhhhhh blah blah… lol. You’ll realize this when you graduate from college and hear the same exact thing you did four years before over again from someone older.

Congratulations on graduating though! Its a great thing to accomplish! :smiley: :smiley:

High school!! Man, that so long ago, I don’t even really remember it anymore. Wow! I’m actually going on 15 years of being out of school, (not including college).

/me really feels old now.

Congratulations. Now, welcome to the real world…


The real world begins after you get out of college and have to get a JOB.

Actually I have two. The other one was about “Aimee”. I have hobbies. I have plenty. Like I said I’m just passing the time. I don’t see who I’m harming.

I don’t actually need to sit here and justify myself at all, I did it to be polite. There’s no rule here in the forum that states that members must explain their presence when asked by other members. Its a forum. I’m doing what people do on forums. You’re obviously an active member of Elysiun, and you obviously have been for a long time, so what’s your problem with what I’m doing? I’m just trying to get involved. Is it necessary to question why?

Ok, as per right now, by Admin decree, everyone should be forced to justify his (doesn’t apply to women of course :wink: ) presence in the forum. In the absence of a justifiable reason, the said user will be forced to either give me 5$ or run around a crowdy streed for 5 mins shouting “BLENDER ROCKS MY WORLD!”. Whichever you choose.

