Conifer's Group Input Socket Hider

Conifer's Socket Hider (v1.0)

This tool hides every unused group input socket at once.

Latest Release (v1.0) (1.2 KB)


When working with node groups in complex shaders and geometry nodes, your tree can get really messy.

Even if you hide all group inputs manually, with CTRL H, as you add more inputs values, new sockets keep showing up regardless.

That’s why I made this simple script, which lets you hide all unused sockets in all group input nodes in the node tree which is currently being viewed… all at once!
There’s no need to manually search for and select all group input nodes either, it’s a one click cleanup solution.

It works in Geometry Nodes, Shader Nodes and all other node editors.
There is also a keyboard shortcut.

Requirement: Blender 2.8 or later

How to use

In any node editor window, bring up the sidebar. (keyboard shortcut N)
You will find a button named “Hide All Sockets” in the “Group” tab.
Alternatively you can use the keyboard shortcut. (CTRL SHIFT H)
You don’t have to select any nodes, it will automatically find all group input nodes, however only within the node group you are curently viewing.
How to Install Addons


But wait…is that not what ctrl-H already does?

only for one input node, but with complex node trees you often end up using multiple, to access the same input at different locations. this script does it for all input nodes at once

Yeah that was what i was thinking first … but made a quick test and it does that already for all at once.

if you select all manually.

1 Like

ahh ok … got it. That is useful, especially because adding a new input to the group forces you to rehide all group input nodes again. Could be added to Node Wrangler.


oh that would be ideal