ConjureSDF - smooth, non destructive booleans

Only 6 weeks? I will count the minutes.


Looking forward to the public alpha :smiley:

If you do not mind me asking. How much will the 1.0 version cost?

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I will soon start with my game company the design stage for a new videogame. It will be a sci fi title heavily based on hard surface models, so Iā€™m really, really interested on your great work.
I hope to try it as soon as possible!
Only a question: there will be, at some point, the possibility to save a model obtained from your primitives as a new primitive? It would make iterative design much fast and effective.

Hi John

I send you DM.

I have a university project where this would be a fantastic fit to test drive.

Let me know what you think.

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Well Alpha is not 1.0, but it will cost about 30 euros probably? (Still not sure about the exact pricing) I do plan to increase the pricing as Beta, 1.0, 2.0, etc. comes out.

Similar model to ZenUV or UVPackmaster.


Yes this is certainly planned, probably for during late Alpha/ early Beta. Thereā€™s a lot of other features that need to be implemented or brought ā€œup to standardā€ first.


Take my money! Eagerly awaiting public Alpha. Is there a place to sign up?

Iā€™ve been watching this develop for a while - canā€™t wait for the public alpha so I can give it a try. Itā€™s looking fantastic!

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Hi @JohnKaz is there going to be some sort of bezier sweep patch primitive available at launch or is it too resource intensive at the moment/thereā€™s other priorities at first/etc?

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waiting public alpha


Hi is there any plqn to add bezier curve and stamp something like that I suggest to take look in dreams its very powerful tool.Cant wait for the public release !!


Hey there!
I see what is (will be) cool in ConSDF, but i would like to ask, what is it its biggest disadvantage?
As i can see, itā€™s strictly working with predefined ā€œprimitivesā€, or shapes only, no custom curve defined solids and so on, right?
Just asking if maybe i missed that kind of feature :slight_smile:

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@brenderbroli also asked this

Yes there will be curve primitives and more complex modifiers such as array, bend, etc. later. Currently focusing on the core features though, so this will take at least 6-12 months is my guess.


With the current amount of primitives, it can get a bit restrictive sometimes. But more are on the way of course. It lends itself more to objects that have clear readable simple shapes.

In theory itā€™s even possible to convert regular meshes to SDFs, but this is quite a large feature to tackle. So itā€™s not for the near future.


Any updates on public alpha release timeline?


Thanks for being the one to say what we were all thinking. :smiley:


Any news about ConjureSDF?


The entire community is excited for the news regarding the Alpha :stuck_out_tongue:


Will this work on macOS too or only PC ?

