I to auto weighted a rig to a mesh, then did the same with another because the meshes were to close/complex. So I did the parts separately and I would like to connect them-hopefully to a particular bone… though they don’t want them to be “combined” per.se, just so that one is attached to the other rigg at a certain point. I have been screwing with it all night. :spin:
I’m not fully understanding what it is you’re trying to say. Are you trying to have 2 completely separate “objects” influenced by the same rig? Or something else entirely. Some images with a blend file might make the question clearer.
SO lets say you have a person “completely rigged” , and then he is wearing a necklace of a second fully rigged character… BUT I don’t need them to be part of the same rigg. --just one attached to the other so that one rig “carries” the other.
so thos skeletons hanging are on a seperate rig as the one above. the circle represents where I want to to connect. they are already attached to the meshes. [ATTACH=CONFIG]467914[/ATTACH]
EVERY TIME I parent these together the 2 meshes interact
I just discovered a problem. might have figured out what happened…
parented by last bone selected to last amature selected. this is what I was trying to do all along though I didn’t realize I had 2 armatures attached to each mesh.