i am trying to connect the object in the picture below to the chain, so when i am moving the chain across the patch it will move the other object the same way (without deforming it).
Hope someone will have the answer Thanks
i am trying to connect the object in the picture below to the chain, so when i am moving the chain across the patch it will move the other object the same way (without deforming it).
Hope someone will have the answer Thanks
Thank you, i checked it before i wrote this post…sadly it’s not helping me
Maybe you have some video explanations of how it should work?
the metal stick should move along the chain path with the chain, it need to be connected to the same chain part.
hope that make sense
May you share your blend file?
why doesn’t parenting the stick to one part doesn’t help? i agree to goorman - pls provide blend file
Here you go, Thanks
What is your Blender version as well?
Sorry, it’s 3.6.1
Yes, it’s the same principle as the Tank video. :-\
There are several weird things goin on here… first you have multiple different scales… also your object are placed “all over the place” and finally you curve is somehow uneven and weirdly rotated (and also a very sahpr angle in one place) which i noticed while extruding the bezier… after i saw this weird stretching when the chainpart is parented to the curve which does have and animated path (which also get smaller when in edit mode for all control points the radius is scalled… but then it gets too small… )
The gripp thing just follows fine when added adn FoolowPath contraint…
uploaded with all unused deleted…
Chain_03.blend (1.0 MB)
uhm…shouldn’t the chain move as well along the curve?
Well as far i knew it… (and also shown it the tank video…) the array modifer and the curve modifer make the object move along the curve if parented to it… with follow curve…
But in the given settuop something is wrong… or something chenged somewhere…
Adding the follow path contraint to the array doesn’t work…
Anyway i thing there shouldbe used Add Curve → Path for this… ??? My animation skills are a bit outdated…
i was asking myself that as well
Thanks, i will check that
After looking into it a bit further…
… so someone has to investigate waht someone needs/wants… because there is also the possibility of real simualtion…
Even if thisone doesn’t explain anything…