This is my first post here, I hope I’m asking this in the correct section.
I’m trying to connect the barrel of a flint gun to its body. The barrel is made of a cylinder and the body has somewhat of a weird shape so far. Please refer to the images for a better representation of the situation. The reference gun is called the “Devilish Devisme Pistols.” Now, I’m not sure how to make a uniform gun (barrel + body). Should I use a boolean operation? Or should I completely remove the cylinder and make the barrel from part of the body itself? It’d be really hard to get the round shape of the barrel right that way. Appreciate your responses!
Images (Safe for Work, unless gun models are an issue):
Edit: I’ve only been Blender for like a week, so I’m a total 3D newbie. I’d appreciate it if you’d share your ideas on how to attach the barrel to the body. Thanks!
The barrel is an octagon, looking at the reference and other pictures of Devisme percussion pistols, the body, where it meets the barrel, takes the octagon shape.
You can make the shape manually, or delete the inner part of the body, detach a copy of that polygon portion from the barrel, and then merge them together.
The shape is an approximation, but the base is something like this:
Wow that looks great! Thank you, Sonic. I’ll work on it more! I had no idea you could make a barrel like that. Thanks again!
Edit: I have some question, did you use a solidify modifier to make the cylinder hollow? Also, for the bottom part, is the bevel tool used? Appreciate it! You’re making this way easier for me than when I was struggling with it
Since the barrel and body are two different materials - then join via boolean I think might not be a great idea. To make them one object, ctrl+j will join them into one object. You can then in edit mode deselect all, then press L over one of the objects to select all connected faces if you need to re-position. You could then press P to then separate them back apart if needed.
You can also parent them together with ctrl+P. then when you move the parent, the child will following along. But you have to remember which was the parent (I seem to always forget)