Conquer at night


I really need a fresh look on this image I am working on. I know that there are areas that need improvement I just can’t put my finger on them for some reason. Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.

It’s a strong image. Lighting is really good. I think that anatomically your model has some areas that could be better. You should be aware that when you balance the head in one side, the muscle sternocleidomastoid from the opposite side gets very defined, but not the other. Example:

The other point is not a mistake, but I think that stronger, larger arms would fit better with the “heroics” of the model.

Thank Yiako! Both of your critiques are greatly appreciated, I have addressed both yet perhaps a little more tweaking on the sternum is needed :wink: .

I started sculpting the mesh, adding some muscle definition and so on. I am thinking about where and how to crop the image. Here is a closeup of the face after some sculpting:
Here is an untouched(no post-pro) render:

I think that if I crop the image a little more towards the bottom, like this it will be much better, what do you think?

Comments and critiques welcome.

Small Update: Rendered a new ambient occlusion map and made some very small changes. Still have to work on the color map.

cool concept

The foot on the right should wrap around the skull a bit more(mainly the toes), As it is now it doesn’t look like it is supporting him much. The foot on the left should be doing something different, although I can’t see what it is doing at the moment so I’m not sure about that. I think the nipples are a bit too far apart, bring them closer together, but not too much closer. The arms are a bit scrawny, but that may be due to your styling.

Are the fires in the background just textured cubes with particles coming off them?

Use some slight softbody to get a more realistic feel.

the skulls look weird since they light from the bottom up. Isn’t it supposed to be vice-versa?