Console Wars: Which to buy...

I want to convince my parents to buy me, my brothers, and my sister a game console. I don’t know which, though.

Each one has equal reasoning for my sister, since all she’d do is play “The Sims.” (I’d play the two-player with her, too.) My brother wants a PS2, because “it looks so cool,” and it has some good games like “Dragon Ball z: Budokai” and the “Final Fantasy” series. My brother who’s away till August would probably want a PS2, since he got us a PlayStation in the first place. And I’m basing my opinions on the games (and since all but GBA have “The Sims,” I’ll keep it out):

PS2: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (I like the second, and that’s all I’ve played so far), Magic Pengel: Quest For Color (I’m not bad, you just drew me that way), Silent Hill 3 (whoa… what did that rabbit EAT?!)
XBOX: Fable (sounds like one of the coolest games), Deus Ex 2 (the original sounds cool), Rent-A-Hero No. 1 (rescue the cat in the tree–AT SUPERSPEED!)
GameCube: Killer 7 (7 personalities, a hand to convert people into the mob… it sounds so cool!), Metroid Prime (ADDICTIVE… and I’ve only played the DEMO!), Ikaruga (whoa… one more game…)
GBA: Wario Wares, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ (it looks hilarious–how can you beat a game where you can shake a collie’s paws, or it’ll cry? Really!) Tetris Worlds (Tetris RULES [!] ), Jet Grind Radio (WOOT! WOOT! Crime again!)

See my problem? There’s also the every-console-but-GBA “True Crime” (I like games you can replay over and over), “Espionage” (psychic powers–WHEEE!), “The Suffering” (whoa… dark) and the PS2/XBOX “Morrowind” (if it won’t work on my PCs, hopefully it will on XBOX/PS2) and “Silent Hill 2.” SOMEONE HELP ME!!!

Edit (5/27/03): Added poll to easily measure what I want, as well as a few stats in a later post.

Well, I am a die hard PS fan. So I guess you know what my response is. I also have a 51" Sony HDTV that I really want to hook up a PS2 to and see what it looks like.

PS has the best games ever IMO. But who the hell amI?

You just got me thinking of getting one now too. :stuck_out_tongue:


i like the Sinclair z-1

you can add an 8 track for sound :wink:


PS has the best games ever IMO. But who the hell amI?

youre bgdm! staggering post count all filled with respectable opinions makes for one great member to the community…

in my honest opinion, ps2 is the best… i can say that honestly becuase i have not tested out any other console ever… but games like gta3, silent hill 1/2/3(coming soon!), and tons of other great genres just sells the system and make it worth buying(im not sure if those games are offered on other consoles or not btw)…

i love the look of the ps2 too, very sleak and computery, and small… the paddles are rocking, and very comfortable… the variety and quantity of games to choose from is also HUGE

im a big ps2 fan, but i wouldnt mind checking out other systems if i was rich or if i was in a situation to loot them from a store

i bought myself a gamecube, and so far i still think it was a good decision. From what i’ve seen, the XBOX doesn’t really compare to the Gamecube or PS2, but to choose between them is a little more difficult.

The fact that the PS2 has a DVD player might affect your choice, but if you already have a DVD player then it makes no difference.
The games on a gamecube (from my experience) are just as good as those on PS2, BUT there aren’t as many games out and they can be a little harder to find at shops.

What made my choice in the end is the price. The PS2 is a fair deal more expensive than the Gamecube and the accessories are more expensive again.
If i had the choice of the two without costs involved, i would probably go for the PS2 over the Gamecube.

HAHA! Thanks for the compliment dude. But your full of crap! :wink:


I’d personally say go with XBox, unless your favorite game type are RPGs. Then you should go with PS2. (Unfortunetly, that is my favorite game style, but we’re stuck with an XBox, grr.)


I’m a die hard Nintendo fan, so you can guess what I will suggest… :wink:


Going on specification the ps2 kicks butt, it will last longer than an x-box as the x-box is using most of its capacity now, but the ps2 architecture is just starting to be used properly.

PS2 has more brute power
X-Box has graphical hardware that has more fancy features.

Oh, and X-Box is Microsoft, and therefore should be burned.

A PC is a lifelong friend, upgrade your PC!!! :smiley: :smiley:

Only console-a-like I’ve ever owned is a sinclair zx spectrum 128, which had the best game ever, bar none, the original Spy Hunter!!

Buy a spectrum and Spy Hunter and you’ll want for nothing…

i’d go for a ps2 cos of all the great games, tho the gamevube is very nice as well.

cya henrik

PS2! Yeah! Final Fantasy rules!

Most of the games are the same for each though, there’s not a lot seperating the consoles out.

Ps2 is a good console to buy but I personnaly like the x-box…

it got great game like halo (soon HALO2!!), splinter cell (when it’s coming on the ps2 too), brute force will be very cool (coming out this friday), enter the matrix…argh this one too will be on the ps2…anyway, x-box and ps2 are great…

Okay, I promised you some statistics in my edit (I had to do it; what would such a question like this be with no poll, aside from a poll-less question? Really), so here they are, on a scale from 1 to 10.

ACTION/ARCADE: 8 (usually replayable)
ADVENTURE: 7 (not as replayable, but fun nonetheless)
DANCING/MUSIC: 9 (wheee!!!)
EDUCATIONAL: 0 (who wants to learn when they’re playing video games?)
FIGHTING: 8 (somewhat replayable)
INTERACTIVE FICTION: 0 (I like it, but I’m trying to buy a console, not downloading games)
RPGs: 6 (unless they’re replayable)
SIMULATION: 8 (fun, replayable, and you can learn a few things that are REALLY useful)
SPORTS: 0 (my trademark slogan: Who gives a flying f***?)
STRATEGY/WAR: 8 (killing people is FUN!)

Now for themes, based on the same scale:

APOCALYPSE: 7. I haven’t played many of those types of games, but I’d like to do something a little more original.
ANIME: 4. My brother will hog the console if that happens. Heck, he’s doing it now on “Marvel Vs. Capcom 2” on my Dreamcast.
BUSINESS: 2. I like the prospect, but they usually work better on a PC, and it’s not the type of game I’m looking for.
CARTOON: 5. I don’t really care if a game is cartoonish, or if it’s real; what I care about is the GAMEPLAY.
DESIGN TOOL: 9. Fun, and you can even hide in words your mother would wash out the console for. :smiley:
FREELANCE: 10… no, 11… no, 17,576! As long as there’s plenty to do, I’ll play a freelance game.
GANGSTER: 9. It seems like a great way to vent anger: Do it to people your character doesn’t even know. FUN!
GRAND ADVENTURE: 6. Not very replayable, unless you enjoy the linear. And personally, I don’t.
HORROR: 9. Why not? It seems really good. After all, I don’t get scared easily… maybe this might make me seem less like a freak… no, wait, I don’t want that!
HUMOROUS: 9. I enjoy funny games. They rule. Especially adventure games; that’s what drew me back to “Monkey Island.”
LICENSED: 4. If that. I think games should be original. Besides, those games usually are rushed to coincide with some big date.
MYSTERY: 2. I like to think during movies, but games like this are usually about as long as “Titanic…” and I’m talking about either the movie or the ship.
ORGANIZED FORCES: 8. It can be fun sometimes, especially like in “Blade Runner,” where me and my brother found ourselves jumping through both sides of the law.
UNIQUE: 11! I like those kinds of games where you feel like something new is happening, something unlike many other games… THEY RULE!
WESTERN: 7. I’ve never played a Western game, and I’d prefer not to unless it’s a very, VERY good game, with none of those stupid shootouts you always see in Westerns.
WARS: 17,576. To quote “Maddox,” “WAR KICKS ASS.” Unless you’re really fighting in one, but you’re not in a video game.

As for my siblings, my brother enjoys RPGs, preferably linear ones, my OTHER brother likes any kind of game (you can say he’s open to experimentation… in games, you pervert/druggie), and my sister likes “The Sims” almost exclusively.

Have you got a PC that will run DX2 - invisible war, if not, I’d recommend an X-box, purely because DX1 was one of the best games I’ve ever played and one of the only games I’ve ever bothered to complete. Other than that there isn’t much to seperate X-box and PS2. PS2 is lighter, which is a bonus if you want to take it round to a friends house. The X-box can recorde music and store it on it’s hard drive (a nice feature). PS2 has an easier to hold controller (although the new, smaller X-box controller isn’t too bad). The X-box has a hell of a lot more space for save games but can still have a memory card. You can get tekken and final fantasy for the PS2. You can get HALO and DX2 for the X-box. Most games you can get for both consoles look better on the X-box. And finally, don’t be influenced by splinter cell as it’s out for both and is a bit boring and linear for a well selling game.

if i were you, i would go for a PS2. it has better games and more choice. soon the harddrive will be out and hopefully that will solve any storage probs. the PS2 is also much smaller than the X-Box and the controllers fit the hamd better. If X-box wasn’t microsoft then maybe i would give it a compliment too, but…


Cube, I’d say a PS2 EASILY.
But Xbox has got Halo, the all time best game.

Extreme drooling up ahead, beware!

OK… so which do you support? (Yeah, I want to play DX2, preferably on the XBOX, since my computers are slow and would handle bump maps well. Whew… bump maps… drools)

I don’t have any friends, so I don’t need to worry about that. Recording music… drools again oh, BTW, how many XBOX games (that are good) support that feature where you can play your music in the game? All I know of is “Dead Or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball.” drools for a different reason

I might try making another thread to help me try. I’ll see later, since I want to go to the library now and my mom isn’t happy about me being on her screen name… drools at Yuri hentai… just kidding

OK… so which do you support? (Yeah, I want to play DX2, preferably on the XBOX, since my computers are slow and would handle bump maps well. Whew… bump maps… drools)

I don’t have any friends, so I don’t need to worry about that. Recording music… drools again oh, BTW, how many XBOX games (that are good) support that feature where you can play your music in the game? All I know of is “Dead Or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball.” drools for a different reason

I might try making another thread to help me try. I’ll see later, since I want to go to the library now and my mom isn’t happy about me being on her screen name… drools at Yuri hentai… just kidding[/quote]

Cube, the xbox’s support for playing your own music in your games is excellent.

faints, then comes back to tell that he’s fainted, then faints again, then gets back up

So, you can use it in, say, “Halo,” or possibly “Fable?” A list of games that support the feature would be nice.

Don’t tell me, let me guess… GOOGLE?!

I have no idea how many games do. Halo doesn’t. I know you hate em all but a lot of sports games have it.