Constrain object to a curve control point and its handle orientatin. Possible???

I’m using a bezier curve to create cables using a bevel object as in the picture below. This leaves open ends. So i’ve created an “end cap” if you like to close off the end of the insulation and also give me some exposed conductor.
I will be using these cables in an awful lot of projects and I am hoping that I can just edit the cable curve and get the “end cap” to just follow.

I’ve used a location constraint on the “end cap” linking it to the origin of the curve but then discovered that moving the actual curve points does not alter the origin so thats a no go.

I basically need the end cap to follow the location of the selected control point in the curve but also have its orientation follow the handle of that control point.

Is this even possible with constraints or should I be looking at rigging the cables instead?
This is not necessarily for animation just a huge time saver.


there’s an option using Solidify and Edge Split modifiers… see here

[sorry for the bad english]

a small trick: 1 object (1 vertex) with Modifier:
1 - Array [Fit Curve with “your curve” - Constant offset with small x value (0.03) - Start/End Cap with “your object for the end of the cable”]
2 - Curve [with “your curve”]

This method is ok if your object for the end or start of the cable has 1 material, you give the material to 1vertex-object.
The render show only first material, other are transparent, invisible.
Attention for the origin of the object and origin of the curve.



liero. Thank you that will save a lot of work creating cables of different sizes etc.
I guess because 99% of the conductor is never seen it might be easier to just place a pre-made path at the end each time.
I’m presuming that having lots cables with invisible conductors would still increase render times???

nukkio, Fantastic, so I don’t have to place them manually after all.:smiley:

Most of mine will be different colour cores but seeing your blend I can see it will still save me lots of time.

Cheers guys. I learn so much on these forums.

:no: no no…
excuse… this method is ok for 1,2,…n material, only the 1vertex-object must have the materials added in the same sequence like in the source object (the “your object for the end/start of the cable”), and all is ok.

thanks nukkio, very clever trick!

i would never have thought of adding a one vertex object - it is like using an empty, but with modifiers :slight_smile:

nukkio, Yes I’d seen that by looking at your first blend file.
In this instance I need all the cores of the cable to have different curves as well as colour.(see pic below, still need to scale the cable correctly as its a bit small) Your method is a great trick as steeve said and I learned a lot from looking at all your settings. It will definitely be very useful for other stuff I’m planning to show many different cable types in a big poster.

Thanks again and feel free to share any other little tricks you have.
