Constrained Scaling of IPO Keys?

I’m playing around with trying to get some camera shake into a segment of a scene. I’m aware of the camera jitter script, but it seems to only apply to entire scenes, so I’m looking into just doing it manually with some keyframes plopped down in the area I need. I was wondering, though, if theres a way to scale a group of keyframes in a constrained way, as in amplitude, but not time; sort of like hitting SX or SZ in the 3D view.

Press the MMB to constrain vertically or horizontally after pressing “S” and starting to move your mouse.


Thank you! That is SO not the sort of thing I’d be able to figure out on my own…
Where did you find this?

I probably found out about it on the forums here, don’t remember, but MMB constraint is a “standard” operation in the 3d windows for translating /rotating / scaling objects, and the IPO window …and Action editor share many of the same idioms … e.g. g(rab) / s(cale) , TAB to go from Edit to Curve mode (Object in 3d viewport).

2.43 has also added g/s(x/y) to the IPO editor (which was already in the 3d viewport for 2.42a), i.e. you can press s(cale) then “y” immediately afterward to constrain to the y axis.


in the past few days, I’ve also added S-X and S-Y for constraining scaling. (in cvs for 2.43)
